
NOTICE: As of 9pm on 10/9/2023 ticket sales have ended. Event only tickets (that do not include the feast and some extras, will be sold at the gate as described in the post below).

Your ticket to adventure awaits, read on to learn more about this exciting event happening in Sabillasville Maryland, October 20-22 of 2023 at the awesome amenity laden site known as Camp Westmar.

As the power of Summer begins to wane, the power of the Autumn Court shall soon rise…

The story so far…

In lands of West Marovia, preparations are being made. Darkon will hosts the courts of Fae and seek to earn their favor so the courts will lend aid in their coming battle against an Elder god. How does one best woo the courts of Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn? We keep them entertained with the finest of Darkonian arts, and music. In other words, get ready for your Fae-vorite Bardstock event yet, and what’s more is it is happening alongside our annual feast!!!

This years annual feast will see Darkon immerse themselves with the pageantry and glamour of a Fae masquerade! Consider the consequences of rewriting the laws of the Fae FOREVER! And… (pending survival of course) do battle with an elder god that seeks to take root and gain dominion over this world.

Your choices will have consequences so choose wisely…

Here is what to expect at Darkon’s annual feast:

Darkon’s annual feast is only for members (new members are always welcome, even at this event) but you must be a 16-17 years old with a guardian present, or 18 and older.

-Cost: Darkon’s annual feast offers the following all at $40 a ticket THAT YOU MUST PURCHASE IN ADVANCE, but you will get your money’s worth.

-Site and Ammenities: The event will be held at the scenic Camp Westmar in Sabillasville Maryland that boasts running water bathrooms/showers, indoor and outdoor mess halls, and so much more awesome stuff.

-Overnight camping: Friday and Saturday you are welcome to tent camp, but we also have 5 cabins (with 80 summer camp style bunks up for grabs, details to be shared in time).

-An immersive adventure with some fae fun NPCs that begins Friday evening at the welcome event.

-An entertaining bardic contest happening Friday night.

-Friday night Fae Masquerade themed welcome party. For those 21 and older, we will have two complimentary alcoholic drinks and unlimited non-alcoholic drinks at the Friday night party. You are welcome to BYOB. There will also be fun “fae-casino” style games where you can bet special tokens and redeem them for special fae-vors (see what I did there?)

-Your plate at an amazing catered feast happening Saturday. Ask around folks will tell you this food is outstanding!

-Live Musical Entertainment Saturday night featuring the AWESOME bardic bands known as BARD CITY (Darkon’s local bardic heroes) and (performing for the first time at Darkon) the D&D inspired metal band known as BARDIC COMPASS!

-A Saturday (Caturday?) morning hot breakfast brought to you by House Cat.

-More details to come, we plan to have a tournament of arms for Fems & Thems (where we are inviting women & afab non-binary players to take part)

-Two Overlapping Saturday Adventures experiences, one designed for non-combatants, and the second laden with fun battle games.

-Saturday evening will culminate with an award ceremony recognizing heroes that won the day, service awards for distinguished members, and the traditional Saturday evening gladiatorial style event known as Pitfights!!!

So now that you have taken the time to read this mighty scroll of +5 feast knowledge below you can procure your tickets through paypal. Pre-registering is THE ONLY way to obtain your feast tickets with all the perks (Camping, feast entry, and all the extra freebies).

If you are planning to attend the event only, we ask that you also pre-register in order to lock in to the event ticket only price of $25.00. Event only tickets will be sold at the gate at the cost of $30.00, so please pre-register to help our event planning team and to save yourself money! If you are planning to only day trip, be advised you would still have to pay the cost of an event only ticket.

Online pre-register ticket sales will run until the end of the day on October 6th of 2023, so make sure to get them while you can!

NOTICE: Ticket sales have ended as of October 9th at 9pm. We look forward to seeing people there.Event only tickets will be sold at the gate as described but will not include feast and extras.