Jadu Gara unleashes the worst nightmare of our imagination.
Thank you everyone who came to Sand, Silk and Steel! Here are the prizes won by the most intrepid of adventurers.
Item Prizes!
- For outstanding service to the people of Maj Duhl, Kakow receives The Pouch of Prosperity and the title “Hero of Maj Duhl”. This physical prize allows the recipient to receive 5 gp from the Coin Marshall at the beginning of every future Darkon event. This only works for Kakow, and the orginial pouch must be present to receive the coin.
- For tying for the most single combat wins at Hades, and then winning a tiebreaking battle against Tyranus, Rorik receives the title “The Champion of Death” and Boneblade, also known as Dragon Spine, also knowns as The Mercy of Durga. This is a PD glaive that has a white cover. It is a magic weapon and is indestructable and unbreakable.
- For best RP, Whisper Everhate wins the Bottle of Dreams. This leather drinking vessel produces one potion of the player’s choice per adventure day. This only works for Whisper with the original bottle. In addition, liquids in this vessel may never be poisoned.
- For best garb/ kit/ look the part Guafo (Sgt. Cole) receives Innocence, a PD dagger with a leather sheath. This is a magic weapon.
- For Best DiProsperos, Saif wins their PD Buckler (indestructable and unbreakable for one year)
- For Best Crimson Lotus, Braxus wins their PD Buckler (indestructable and unbreakable for one year)
- For Best Reaver, Zug wins their PD Buckler (indestructable and unbreakable for one year)
- For most deaths Erikjetter receives The Maj Duhl Med Kit. This is a physical prize that contains 4 bottles- 2 are Potions of Ressurection, and 2 are Ointments of Mending. They are consumed on use.
- For best camp (their setup in the City of Maj Duhl), Bloody Axe Mercenary Guild wins Judu Gara’s Map Box. This small wooden chest bears a Map of the Serican Crossroads. While in the winning country’s camp, this box cannot be opened or looted by any means. Only country members are able to open or move it.
- For establishing the best trade relationship with Judu Gara (or usurping him, but the peaceful path was chosen), The Triumvirate of Blackwatch receive the Keys To Maj Duhl. This ring of iron keys can open any lock or gate once per adventure day. The keys also bestow ownership of the Brass Citadel as descibed in Land Map Prizes.
Land Map Prizes!
- For best support of the Reavers, BAMC may take 3 Reaver NPCs on a Land Search once per season at no cost. Reavers take plate hits and have the ability Stoneskin.
- For best support of the Crimson Lotus, No Quarter! may take 3 Crimson Lotus NPCs on a Land Search once per season at no cost. Crimson Lotus take plate hits and inflict double red damage with swords, great swords, daggers and bows.
- For best support of House diProspero, Blackwatch may take 3 diProspero NPCs on a Land Search once per season at no cost. diProspero take plate hits and inflict Agony Poison with every hit.
- All of the countries formally aligned with House diProspero: Legio, Blackwatch, Black Hand, Chosen Blood, The Shire, & Myriador win the City of Maj Duhl. This consists of a number of adjoining provinces with cities on them, one for each country on the winning faction in Judu’s Contest. These provinces will be placed in a cluster in the New World by the Land Marshal.
- For best monster, Minathlon and Eldior win the Maj Duhl Menagerie. They each receive a province with a keep placed on it adjoining the City of Maj Duhl. The keep may be upgraded to a castle at the winner’s expense. If this structure is ever attacked, the country may field it’s monster in the siege defense and the monster will not count in the defending army’s total number. In addition, once per season the country may bring their monster on a Land Search.
- The Triumvirate of Blackwatch wins an additional province placed in the Maj Duhl cluster with a keep on it called the Brass Citadel. The keep may be upgraded to a castle at the winner’s expense. This province taxes all other provinces of Maj Duhl, including the Menagerie- owners of the other hexes earn only half of their produce. The difference is earned by the owner of the Brass Citadel. If the Brass Citadel is ever sacked or successfully taken by another country, it forever loses it’s ability to tax the other provinces of Maj Duhl.