The Gauntlet
This is a caravan checkpoint battle of two teams. The objective is to push the other team back to their final checkpoint and claim the location known as The Prize. The Gauntlet will consist of at least 3 rounds of battle as teams advance back and forth. If teams push back and forth, it could potentially last for many rounds.
Each team has one Princess, played by a female character. This is a combat role. The Princess is the key to claiming checkpoints in The Gauntlet. You must protect your Princess, but she is needed to gain control of the checkpoints as you advance.
Please take a look at the map before reading any further.
Each team starts at their Bastion and must form up behind the rezz pole there. When lay on is called they can then begin to approach each other seeking to take control of the Refuge, at the center point of the map.
When your Princess touches the Refuge checkpoint pole with her hand, a Hold is called. You now have control of that point and form up there for the next round, while the other team moves back to their Prize checkpoint. Both teams form up behind their new checkpoint/ rezz poles and a new round begins.
This goes on, back and forth, until one team is pushed into starting at their Last Stand. If at this time the advantaged team gains control of The Prize, the game is over and that Princess’ team wins!
Simple, right? Here are some special rules for the Princesses and for how all players Rezz/ tap back into the fighting.
If your rezz point is The Bastion you you may rejoin the battle by tapping the rezz pole with a weapon or hand ONLY ONCE. You only have one rezz from this point, unless you are healed by player abilities.
If your Rezz point is The Refuge you may instantly rejoin the battle by tapping the rezz pole with a weapon or hand. Unlimited rezz. However, Princesses MAY NOT rezz at the Refuge. If they are killed they may only be healed by players or else are not eligible to advance their team. This means that you must be cautious while fighting from this point even tought your team is currently advantaged.
If your Rezz point is The Prize you may instantly rejoin the battle by tapping the rezz pole with a weapon or hand. Unlimited rezz.
If your Rezz point is The Last Stand you may instantly rejoin the battle by tapping the rezz pole with a weapon or hand. Unlimited rezz.
Advanced Reading If You Care About Tactics
Starting off, both teams are at a Bastion. You only have one rezz for this round and your Princess can rezz here, so it pays to be aggressive. The second your Princess can tag the center pole (Refuge) you win the round and advance.
If you are fighting from The Refuge that means you have pushed into enemy territory, but your Princess is vulnerable.
If you are fighting from The Prize, you want to kill the enemy Princess as she CANNOT rezz from her checkpoint at The Refuge.
If you push the enemy back to their Last Stand, you are now at Bastion again, which means you only rezz once but the enemy have unlimited Rezz. You must claim the prize quickly or be repelled!
Simplification for Elders
All the poles work the same except: Bastion is only one rezz per player, and Princesses can’t rezz at Refuge. Other than that, all the poles are insta tap back in, unlimited rezz.