cthulu games

Read on to learn about this exciting event and to purchase tickets over paypal! (10/12/22 [which was an extended deadline] was the last day individuals could purchase feast tickets. We worked to communicate this far in advance to all members and on our event pages. Event only tickets are still available and can be purchased at the cost of $10 in person but will not include feast or the feast ticket freebies. Thank you for understanding!)

IMPORTANT: a reminder that access to a bunk for sleeping is not guaranteed. They are first come first serve by reservation. Reservation must be made with one of the cabin masters prior to the event. Instructions on how to do so are on this event page. Once we are out of bunks you still have tent camping as an option, and you will have to bring and set up your own tent for this. Thank you!

In lands far to the West comes an invitation, heroes are called forth to attend a special series of games…The Cthulu Games.

Inspired by the TV series Squid Games, Darkon Crownlands is hosting their annual feast weekend with…. the CTHULU GAMES! Featuring exciting but deadly battle games, things kick off on Friday evening with a special welcome party hosted by an eccentric and sinister host that is truly someone to “behold”.

So hurry hurry hurry!

Test your skill over the weekend- in a series of battle games and other games of chance- and win prizes!

Savor- a superb catered feast Saturday evening, and other delights over the weekend, with a prize for the best dressed feast table and crew! We will also have a fancy Grilled Cheese Hour Friday night, and a Saturday morning Breakfast brought to you by house cat.

Imbibe- at Friday evening’s tavern of wonders- stocked with delightful draughts for those of age who purchased feast tickets!

Celebrate- your peers Saturday evening, as special awards and orders will be bestowed to those who have earned recognition for their efforts in service to the club and community.

Relax in comfort- your choice of tent camping or cabins (while available) is included with the cost of admission. Fire pits pre-stocked for your enjoyment with wood! This site also features running water and places to charge devices, plug in your morning coffee makers, etc.

Pitfights! Pageantry! And so much more!

This will be a feast all can find something to take enjoyment in at a site that has running water and cabin camping if you don’t want to rough it in a tent (though you totally can if you want).

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to enjoy this great weekend, that is a crowd favorite and homecoming event for all of Darkon!

Ticket information:

Feast ticket prices come in at the super reasonable price of $35, This will be the only ticket you need for the weekend (I.E. this is your general admission, overnight camping, access to great amenities, plus feast, and extras!)- Feast tickets will no longer be available after October 10th so get them while you can.

If you are interested in only experiencing the event and camping out (this will not include the amazing feast or access to extra Tavern freebies the cost of an event only ticket is just $10. THIS EVENT ONLY ticket can be purchased via the Paypal link up until October 12, 2022 or (for just the event only ticket) in person at the event.

Start/End times: Folks are welcome to come to site as early as noon on Friday, and must depart by noon on Sunday

The Darkon Wargaming Club hopes to see you there!

Visit the event’s facebook page for all the latest news:

Important: Tent camping is cool, but if you are planning to stay in a cabin be sure to talk to a Cabin Master to reserve a space (at no added cost, just first come first serve)- otherwise be prepared to tent camp. Cabin Master listings are available on the Darkon Crownlands Facebook page located here as of 10/3/22: https://www.facebook.com/groups/darkongroup you may have to search through recent postings to find it.

NOTE: 10/12/2022 was the last possible day to purchase feast tickets. Event only tickets can be purchased at the event, but they will not include access to feast and some of the special extras that are free bonuses for those with a feast ticket (The extras being the added food events and Friday night tavern give aways. We needed to get all tickets purchased in advance in order to make arrangements with the caterer, so if you were hoping to get a feast ticket now, I am sorry to share that ship has sailed.