land map

In Darkon players can choose to belong to countries that can hold land on the map. Countries can expand, ally, and declare war against one another as they explore the realm of Darkon Crownlands.

Below you may review the current land holdings of our realm…. click the link below to view the latest digital copy of the land map.

(Tip: Be sure to zoom in and out to look around. On mobile devices this is typically done by pinching the screen. On laptops/desktops the scroll wheel on a mouse typically works. For even better viewing click the link below the map to view a full-screen version)

Darkon Map Full Screen Link

For those that would aspire to hold their own lands, all it takes are a minimum of four regular attending players, livery that identifies each country member as belonging to the same unit, and a banner to serve as the rallying symbol of your new country.

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