
In this archive you will be able to see player recognitions, review the land map, and learn many things about Darkon Crownlandian Culture and History.

This Library is an ongoing work in progress, if someone would invent a printing press already it would make things go much faster! Please check back from time to time for more updates.

Select a title below (work in progress) to be directed to the available lore on that subject.

Map of the Darkon Crownlands Realm

A History of the Countries of Darkon

A History of the Relics of Darkon Crownlands

A History of the Rulers of Darkon Crownlands

A Bestiary of the Creatures of Darkon

A Collection of the Currencies of Darkon Crownlands

The Tome of Nobility, A History of Nobles in the Realm of Crownlands

The Archive of Award Holders in Darkon Crownlands

A Collection of Popular Bardic Songs heard around the Campfires and Taverns

If you are a leader of a country or guild and would like to submit items pertaining to the history/status of your unit in Darkon Crownlands, please use the link below.

Darkon Crownlands Country and Guild Lore Submission Form